Jun 19, 2014

A family day

Amid the pomp, the ceremony and the solemnity of the events that saw Felipe VI proclaimed King of Spain, there was a softer side on show.  For this was the first major moment in the life of a new royal family.  King Felipe, Queen Letizia, the new Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Sofia are at the centre of royal life now and it was during the trip to the Spanish Parliament for the proclamation that the family side of things really came to the fore.

The new royal family of Spain is driven through the streets of Madrid decked with flags and white flowers on a warm summer day

For a few minutes, as the four of them travelled between palace and parliament, there weren't so much a new king and queen on show but a family enjoying some very special moments.  

Queen Letizia, Infanta Sofia and Leonor, Princess of Asturias in Madrid on June 19th 2014

On their arrival at the parliament, the youngest heir in Europe and her sister stood at the side of their parents for the ceremonial welcome and so began a new era in their lives and the evolving story of the royal family.

The new royal family of Spain at the ceremonial welcome given to them at the Congress of Diplomats

Then it was time for King Felipe VI to inspect the guard of honour - a duty he has carried out many times before but never as a monarch.

Felipe VI reviewing the guard of honour at the Congress of Diplomats on June 19th 2014

Meanwhile, his wife and daughters waited before they all came together again to pose for photos at the foot of the steps they would soon climb together towards a common destiny. As Felipe prepared to take the oath and be proclaimed King of Spain, his girls were entering a new phase of their lives - as queen, as heiress and as daughter of a king.

Felipe, Letizia and their girls - a moment of family life on a day of pomp and ceremony

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